Having it all: Combining a Meaningful Career with the Relationships You Desire
Feedback from participants:
- Sara's presentation really resonated with me as a working mother... constantly feeling torn between two worlds.
- So well organized. I loved your enthusiasm and the role playing exercises!
- Sara's visualization exercise elicited emotional responses from most people in the room. I was really taken by that because we were a bunch of strangers sitting in a conference room.
- In just one hour, Sara's exercises got people engaged and created practical benefit that we could implement immediately.
- Thanks for sharing a lot of personal information as part of the workshop. It warmed the group up to you and helped to guide thinking.
- Watching Sara coach one of the participants in front of the room was really impactful.
- I loved that we took notes and you gave us a framework to use to do some homework.
Build Your Confidence through the Power of Networks
A Young Women Social Entrepreneurs (YWSE) event
Sara founded YWSE based on the idea that a network of women could support one another to be more confident and skillful in their leadership as social entrepreneurs, and now, 15 years later, YWSE has supported thousands of women and grown to a global network of chapters throughout the world.
In this highly interactive workshop, you will learn and practice tools for building your confidence through connections with others. You will discover how to make networking more effective and fun.
As YWSE's founding chapter, we in San Francisco are thrilled to be hosting Sara to share her wisdom on the power of networks and how to make the most of them to boost your confidence and support you in this journey of life.
Tuesday, October 7th, 6-8pm -- Register here
Sara founded YWSE based on the idea that a network of women could support one another to be more confident and skillful in their leadership as social entrepreneurs, and now, 15 years later, YWSE has supported thousands of women and grown to a global network of chapters throughout the world.
In this highly interactive workshop, you will learn and practice tools for building your confidence through connections with others. You will discover how to make networking more effective and fun.
As YWSE's founding chapter, we in San Francisco are thrilled to be hosting Sara to share her wisdom on the power of networks and how to make the most of them to boost your confidence and support you in this journey of life.
Tuesday, October 7th, 6-8pm -- Register here